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Clinical Pharmacology Review Course,
Hosted by ACCP & ABCP

Wednesday, September 11th | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM ET | CE: 5 |
Location: White Oak B

Craig W. Hendrix, MD, DABCP, Professor of Medicine (Clinical Pharmacology), Johns Hopkins Univ School of Medicine and Chairman, American Board of Clinical Pharmacology and John Van Den Anker, MD, PhD, FCP, FAAP Chief, Division of Clinical Pharmacology Children's National Hosp.

Target Audience
The Course is appropriate for Trainees and Early-stage Professionals interested in a broad review of the fundamental core concepts and their clinical application within the discipline of clinical pharmacology and more experienced clinical pharmacologists desiring a broad-based refresher of the discipline.

Course Description
The Course is a new joint effort of ACCP and ABCP to provide a comprehensive review of topics of broad interest to clinical pharmacologists. The Course will combine presentation of new developments in clinical pharmacology as a method for review of topics associated with the core concepts in clinical pharmacology. The Course format will be didactic sessions, focusing on core knowledge areas in clinical pharmacology and include clinical management case discussion to enhance problem-solving skills in a format commonly used in board examinations. Content begins with four talks to highlight the fundamental principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics and their therapeutic applications to special populations. The remainder of the course includes six talks in selected clinical therapeutic areas that apply the fundamental principles to clinical decision-making for the clinically-minded MD, PharmD or PhD scientist.

Educational Objectives
Following the completion of this activity, the learner will be able to:
1. Describe the quantitative assessment and application of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters and their application to therapeutics;
2. Identify special populations and the required modifications of more typical therapeutics to achieve optimal dosing in these patients;
3. Apply clinical pharmacology principles to optimize therapeutic decision-making in a broad array of clinical situations to achieve desired clinical outcomes.

Welcome & Introductions
Craig W. Hendrix, MD, DABCP, Professor of Medicine (Clinical Pharmacology), Johns Hopkins Univ School of Medicine and Chairman, American Board of Clinical Pharmacology

Principles of Drug Action, Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics & Pharmacometrics
David J. Greenblatt, MD, Professor, Tufts Univ School of Medicine

Geriatrics & Organ Dysfunction
David J. Greenblatt, MD, Professor, Tufts Univ School of Medicine

Pharmacogenomics & Drug-Drug Interactions
Wayne T. Nicholson, MD, PharmD, Associate Professor, Anesthesiology & Pharmacology, Mayo Clinic 

Pediatrics & Maternal-Fetal Clinical Pharmacology
Catherine MT Sherwin, PhD, Vice President Clinical Pharmacology & Pharmacometrics, Differentia Biotech Ltd

Hypertension, Anticoagulation & Hyperlipidemias
Walter K. Kraft, MD, Professor of Pharmacology, Medicine & Surgery, Pharmacology, Physiology & Cancer Biology, Thomas Jefferson Univ

Cardiology Therapeutics
Meena Madhur, MD, PhD, Division Director of Clinical Pharmacology, Medicine, Indiana Univ

Oncology Therapeutics
Lauren Price, PharmD, Clinical Pharmacology Reviewer, US Food & Drug Administration

Infectious Diseases
Kevin J. Downes, MD, Assistant Professor, Children's Hosp of Philadelphia
Pain Management
Anne N. Nafziger, MD, PhD, MHS, Medical Director & Principal Investigator, IMA Clinical Research

Drug Allergy
Santiago Alvarez-Arago, MD, Assistant Professor, Medicine & Pharmacology, Johns Hopkins Univ School of Medicine

Discussion, Questions & Answers, Learner Feedback & Evaluations
Craig W. Hendrix, MD, DABCP, Professor of Medicine (Clinical Pharmacology), Johns Hopkins Univ School of Medicine and Chairman, American Board of Clinical Pharmacology