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2024 Annual Meeting Events for Students, Trainees & Early-stage Professionals

ACCP gratefully acknowledges support for the STEP & ESP Events at the Annual Meeting
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Student, Trainee & Early-stage Professional (STEP) membership and participation in ACCP’s Annual Meeting are strongly encouraged and are beneficial on several levels:

Saturday, September 7th

8:00 AM – 5:00 PM ET
Pre-Meeting Workshop
Physiologically-based Pharmacokinetic Analyses: Practical Applications in Clinical Drug Development

This full-day Workshop is valuable for beginner to intermediate level physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) users and will focus on the current scientific aspects and considerations to apply PBPK modeling in clinical drug development, including advances in the software utilized for ths type of modeling. There is an additional fee to attend this Workshop.

7:00 – 10:00 PM ET
Carnivale in the Fall

Join us Saturday evening for the PharmaFete to celebrate the start of the meeting and enjoy the chance to socialize, connect with friends and meet ACCP Members and Annual Meeting Attendees with whom you will share experiences over the next three days.

Sunday, September 8th

7:30 – 7:45 AM ET
STEP & ESP Morning Gathering
"ACCP Connect" will provide the opportunity to converse with ACCP Leadership about topics for professional growth and honing skills such as critical elements in building a successful career path, volunteering for a committee that supports ACCP's programs and goals, planning/moderating STEP & ESP-focused webinars and general professional development.

1:30 – 3:00 PM ET
Panel Discussion on Career Guidance
As changes evolve over the course of your career, preparing for that change and cultivating resilience will be essential. the Panel Discussion will be focused on "Weathering the Storm through Career Changes".
3:00 – 5:00 PM ET
STEP & ESP Networking Event
The Networking Event starts with a fun ice breaker and moves on to roundtable discussions in small groups with senior ACCP Leaders. In August, Attendees will be asked to sign up for topics of interest to optimize their experience.

Stay around for the group picture at the end of the Networking Event.

Monday, September 9th
7:00 – 8:00 AM ET
STEP & ESP Morning Gathering

"Up Close with the Editors-in Chief" provides an informal Q&A with Drs. John van den Anker (The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology) and David Greenblatt (Clinical Pharmacology in Drug Development) to better understand the importance of submitting high-quality manuscripts for publication, what Peer Reviewers look for in manuscripts, serving as a Peer Reviewer and building a path to serve on an Editorial Board.

Tuesday, September 10th
7:00 – 8:00 AM ET
STEP & ESP Morning Gathering

"Career Paths" will allow Attendees to explore options and seek guidance from representatives in industry, academia, regulatory and clinical settings.

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