Professor of Individualized Drug Treatment
St Antonius Hosp/Leiden Univ
Catherijne AJ Knibbe, PharmD PhD FCP, is clinical pharmacologist-hospital pharmacist in the St Antonius Hosp in Nieuwegein/Utrecht and Professor of Individualized Drug Treatment at the Division of Systems Pharmacology & Pharmacy at the LACDR, Leiden University, the Netherlands. She leads a research group in which advanced statistical techniques are used to individualize drug therapy in special patient populations such as children and neonates, pregnant women and morbidly obese children and adults. She has supervised 25 PhD theses, is currently supervising 10 PhD students and 2 Post Docs, is co-author of over 280 international peer-reviewed publications and contributions to books and a frequently invited speaker on national and international conferences. In the St. Antonius hospital, Dr. Knibbe is member of the Management Board of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy of the St. Antonius hospital, supervisor of the Clinical Pharmacology training program, co-supervisor of the Hospital Pharmacy training program, and consultant for the department of Intensive Care and Anesthesiology. She is an active member of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology (ACCP) where she serves in the Board of Regents, as co-chair of the Annual Meeting program committee, and other capacities. She is an external European Expert for Paediatric Medicines/European Medicines Agency, member of Scientific Council of Kika (Dutch Paediatric Cancer Foundation), member of the national expert group on dosing guidelines for obese and bariatric surgery patients, and has been member of the Central Committee of Research Involving Human Subjects (the 'CCMO') in The Hague from 2011-2023 and member of the national Committee of State ‘Doek’ involving medical-ethical aspects of (non-therapeutic) research in children.
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Symposium 4: Advances in Improving Pediatric Therapeutic Response
Sunday, September 8, 2024
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
1 - Advances in Improving Pediatric Therapeutic Response: The Role of Exposure Matching
Sunday, September 8, 2024
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET